Contact Suez 56
Perhaps you are looking for a long lost friend in the army (or any of the armed forces), or had a relative you’d like to mention who served in the British Armed Forces at anytime?
Please use the form below to send us your stories, photos or messages and we will do our best to add them to this website:
CONTACT US: If you were on Operation Musketeer or in Cyprus as a serving soldier in the 50’s. Also please do get in touch if you have images of a family member. Photos and stories welcome.
All pics on this site are copyright AJ Lowe apart from photo of Suez drop, which is taken from the front cover of Brigadier Paul Crook’s Book ‘Came The Dawn’ and Corporal Lowe ‘counting bullets’ which was first published by the Cyprus Times. We are now receiving more pictures. Many Thanks to Derek Charlesworth who has recently contributed pictures of his dad’s time.